New Immigrant Resources

United States Citizenship and Immigration Services

Immigration resources at the Grand Rapids Public Library system

Medicare Resources for Immigrant Populations
移民人群的 MEDICARE(联邦医疗保险计划)资源中文链接:

Legal Resources:

  • Immigrant Connection at City Life Church Low-cost immigration legal services, citizenship preparation classes and community education; all consultations by appointment
  • Arbor Circle Kent School Services Network Referrals to immigration advocacy resources, mental health and counseling interventions.
  • Dégagé ID Office Staff and volunteers work alongside individuals through the process of attaining a State of Michigan ID and/or birth certificate.
  • Bethany Refugee Services Services include refugee and immigrant foster care, resettlement, & trauma treatment plans
  • Immigrant Legal Services Low-cost legal representation in immigration matters to those in our community whose household income falls below 200% of the poverty line
  • Justice for our Neighbor Free legal services to low income immigrants
  • Legal Aid of Western Michigan Services include civil legal services, family law, domestic violence and some VAWA petitions
  • Samaritas Provides translation and legal services as well as a School Impact Program for youth

Drive license and ID:,4670,7-127-1627_8669_9040_9043-312849--,00.html

English language:
West Michigan Asian American Association
2130 Enterprise St Se Michigan 49508 星期六和星期天 的英文班从9:30am 到11:30am, teach English speech and writing星期天的公民班从12:00pm 到1:30 pm
English tutor by volunteers at Public libraries and churches

Healthcare Resources:
Be A Rose, Inc. Women’s health workshops and provision of feminine hygiene products along with education on their proper use and disposal.
Kent County Health Department Provides health assessment, screenings, and referrals

Social Services:
211 services
Food, shelter, utility assistance, childcare, transportation, and more in Kent County