2019大溪城农历新年节Grand Rapids Lunar New Year Festival
西密西根华人协会将于2019年2月2日(星期六)下午4:00至10:00在DeVos Place会议中心宴会厅举办第二届大溪城农历新年节。地址是:303 Monroe Ave,NW Grand Rapids MI 49503。晚会将给参加者提供丰富的文化体验,有书法、剪纸、面部彩绘、水彩画等,还有品尝新年美食以及欣赏专业团队(中国请来)和当地华人及中学生的表演。由Downtown Grand Rapids Inc.和CaféBoba&Bamboo Studio赞助的免费桥下表演将于下午3:00开放,包括鞭炮、舞龙、舞狮以及Zeeland Christian School Mandarin Immersion学生的表演。预售15美元门票现已开始销售,去年的门票提前售空,请访问www.elevategr.com/tickets尽早获得门票。门票将在1月14日调整到20美元,入场门口票定为25美元。请立即预订门票,期待2/2在DeVos Place见到您。
The Chinese Association of West Michigan is proud to present the second annual Grand Rapids Lunar New Year Festival on Saturday, February 2, 2019, from 4:00 pm to 10:00 pm at the DeVos Place Convention Center Ballroom C-D 303 Monroe Ave NW Grand Rapids MI 49503. The fundraiser event offers a rich cultural experience through International performance from China, local talent, music, children’s activities, and authentic food selection. A free bridge event sponsored by the Downtown Grand Rapids Inc. and Café Boba & Bamboo Studio is open to the public starting at 3:00 pm will include firecrackers, Dragon and Lion dances, plus performances by the Zeeland Christian School Mandarin Immersion students. Pre-sale $15 tickets are on sale now, you will have access to the DeVos Place Convention for an evening of entertainment and cultural experience. This was a sold out event last year, get your tickets early by visiting www.elevategr.com/tickets . Tickets will go up to $20 on Jan 14th and $25 at the door. Reserve your tickets now.
2019 Lunar New Year Festival planning Committee