sponsor 房地产经纪人- 卉雨 West Michigan Bilingual Realtor -Yu 房地产经纪人- 卉雨 West Michigan Bilingual Realtor -Yu Mobile :616-322-1599 Email: hymichiganhomes@gmail.com WeChat: huiyu701279 Website: www.yuruiz.westedgerealty.com
sponsor Grand Rapids Chinese Language School: Fostering Chinese Education and Culture in West Michigan Grand Rapids Chinese Language School was initially founded in 1997 by three passionate mothers from the Chinese community in West Michigan, aiming to meet the Chinese educational needs of children. After initial development, the school gradually grew into a non-profit organization dedicated to providing high-quality Chinese language and cultural education,
sponsor 大溪城中文学校:在西密歇根促进中文教育和文化传播 大溪城中文学校最初由西密歇根华人社区里的三位热心母亲于1997年创办,旨在满足孩子们的中文教育需求。经过前期的发展,学校逐步成长为一家非营利机构,致力于提供高质量的中文和中华文化教育,让所有年龄段和背景的学生都能在这里沉浸学习。三十多年来,我们通过提供传统的语言课程,以及丰富多彩的文化教育资源和活动,尽心尽力地服务于西密歇根的华人社区。 目前,大溪城中文学校的课程设置包括从入学前班到五年级的中文课程、中文作为第二语言的课程,以及针对成人的中文班。除此之外,我们还开设了各种兴趣班,如中国传统水墨画、武术、少儿编程和数学等。无论您是初学者,还是已有一定中文基础,大溪城中文学校都热忱欢迎您前来体验。我们特别提供两次免费的试课机会,让您亲身感受我们的教学质量和学习氛围。期待您的加入,让我们一起开启一段充实而愉快的中文学习之旅! 在这个网络联系日益紧密的世界中,我们深刻认识到面对面学习的巨大价值。尤其在西密地区,中文面授课程的优点是无法复制的,也是大溪城中文学校的特色——您将有机会全身心地沉浸在语言环境中,结交新朋友,并与我们的教师和同学们建立深厚的联系。大溪城中文学校提供广泛的中文语言课程
sponsor 方辰星房地房顾问(RE/MAX) 方辰星 (Johanna Fang)Realtor Website: https://www.remax.com/real-estate-agents/johanna-fang-grand-rapids-mi/102052387 RE/MAX of Grand Rapids Address: 5651 Byron Center Ave SW, Grand Rapids, MI 49519 Cell: (616) 920-4947
sponsor East Garden 东园楼 East Garden Buffet Simple all-you-can-eat restaurant providing mostly Chinese & Japanese food, including sushi. Service options: Dine-in · Takeout · No-contact delivery Address: 6038 Kalamazoo Ave SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49508 Menu: eastgardenbuffet.com Phone: (616) 698-8933
sponsor Fuji Buffet Grill Fuji Buffet and Grill Website: Whttp://fujibuffetgrill.com/#the-restaurant Roomy buffet restaurant offering typical Asian dishes, sushi rolls & grilled-to-order hibachi fare. Service options: Dine-in · Takeout · Delivery Address: 4605 28th St SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49512 Phone: (616) 285-1665
sponsor Marathon Ginseng MARATHON GINSENG GARDENS 威斯康辛马拉松参场 Website: https://marathonginseng.com/ Address: 4613 Camp Philips Road, Weston, WI 54476 Hours: Mon – Fri: 8:30am – 5 pm, on-call till 10 pm CST Sat: By Appointment Only Sun: Closed Phone: (715) 571-2426, (818) 663-8888, (715) 870-2106 (landline) Email: Drginseng@MarathonGinseng.com WeChat ID:Marathon_Ginseng
sponsor 房地产经纪人施书艳(Success Realty West Michigan) Contact Shuyan Shi: Website: https://www.audreyshirealty.com/#home WeChat: Auronshi1314 Mobile: 616-419-0515 Email: Auronshi1314@gmail.com
sponsor Asian Delight Marketplace Asian Delight Marketplace Website: http://www.asiandelightmarket.com/ Address: 4463 Breton Rd SE, Kentwood, MI 49508 Phone: (616) 827-1828
sponsor Cafe Boba Cafe Boba https://www.facebook.com/CafeBobaGR/ Service options: Dine-in · Curbside pickup Address: 4314 Division Ave S, Kentwood, MI 49548 Phone: (616) 303-0088
sponsor First Wok Chinese Restaurant 第一锅 First Wok Chinese Restaurant Website: https://firstwokgr.com/ Easygoing outfit with an old-school vibe dishing out a jumbo menu of classic Asian fare. Service options: Dine-in · Takeout